Unboxing Video (beta)
Disclaimer on the Android Support
In recent months, more customers have been asking for the Sailfish OS license with Android included, so this disclaimer is expanded: this listing is about the Sony Hardware and accessories (listed above), the service of installing the free version of Sailfish OS, and the shipment.
The free version of Sailfish OS can’t open Android applications (.apk), because… it’s not Android OS! In order to add the support for Android apps you need to purchase the Sailfish X for Sony Xperia™ (upcoming!) from Jolla, at the web address
Purchasing the Sailfish OS License
Please know that the License is a digital purchase, (the price is now 24.90 euros) and it’s web-enabled, with no need to re-flash your Xperia 10 III.
After the purchase, the Android Support application will appear in the Jolla Store app; restarts may be needed.
For more information, watch The J-D Sailfish OS starter playlist on YT.
Please note that some of the listed features above may ne missing under SailfishOS.
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